Friday, February 18, 2011

And The Green Grass Growing All Around, All Around . . . .

Posted by MAKMU ta On Friday, February 18, 2011 No comments

I've been in a sort of limbo this week.
And not the fun kind of limbo involving bamboo poles
and bongo drums and flowery Hawaiian shirts.

No, I've been hibernating.
I pulled my shell up over me and spent the past few days remembering and second-guessing and thinking . . . 
but this morning I got up, ready to rejoin the human race.

So here I am.

And now I'm noticing that while I was wallowing in my pity party,
my house was going to rack and ruin.  Or is that wrack and ruin?  Rack or wrack?

I looked it up.  Turns out it used to be "wrack," the great-great-grandpa to the word "wreck," but along about 1599
the "w"  retired and was last seen (he never was heard!) living in a villa in the Canary Islands, and leaving the hard work to the "r."  
Whaddya know.

Anyway, as I yank my brain back to the matter at hand, I realized that not only has That Old House not had
a good cleaning in about . . . well, in a long time . . . but we also brought home things
from my Dad's apartment that we didn't want to leave to the tender mercies of a self-storage unit,
and now . . .

I don't . . . 
Rosemaling on wood, and some wood cups my Dad turned on a lathe.

know where . . . 
This is one of the two nightstand lamps my parents had. My mother hated them.  I kinda like them, and will rewire them.  I can't remember what that sort of opaque rough-ish feeling glass/china is called.  Do you?

I'm going to put it all.
This is going to be a project.

Because, remember --
My Mom's gentle reminder.

I need to find out who wants what amongst my siblings.
We just boxed and brought pretty much everything that was on the walls home, for safekeeping.

And I really can't remember what's in these boxes:
Or these:

Oh my.

But, for now, I'm going to leave all of these things where they lay.
Because it's much too lovely a day outside to spend it inside.

We have grass showing!
It's not exactly green, it's more of an army drab, but it's genuine grass.

You can even see the back steps to the driveway once more.  In . . . how many weeks?
I know the cold weather is lurking just around the corner, but today
I will celebrate Life and Spring and even olive green Grass!

Stop by My Romantic Home, where Cindy is hosting Show and Tell Friday.
Scads of gorgeous things to swoon over!   Click here.

At the French Country Cottage blog, where owner Courtney is contemplating a bedroom
makeover (great pics!), it's Feathered Nest Friday.  Go see!  Click here.

I wish you a happy, safe, and joyous weekend.  I'm shopping with daughter Anne tomorrow,
and on Sunday afternoon am picking up some Ebay furniture finds.
I'll share them next week.
3 pieces for a total of seven dollars.  Would I lie?  -- Cass


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