Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Graveyard Gardens

Posted by MAKMU ta On Wednesday, February 16, 2011 No comments

I'm not sure anyone does creepy graveyards as good as the South.

A couple of blocks away from my home is a churchyard cemetery.  Charleston is a relatively dense city downtown, where zero lot line houses and narrow lots line the majority of the streets, tasking people to be creative in their garden growing tactics.   Sometimes I see quoted though, that Charleston is a city inside a garden, and it really does seem that way some days.   No matter what structure you are looking at, or what purpose it may serve, it is festooned with plants and greenery growing out of every available crack.

This cemetery is no different.  It is a wild garden which is in bloom of some kind 10 months out of the year.  Today, the paperwhites are up.. the smell of the place is insane, there are so many of them growing around, amongst and even in the graves.   While most of the greenery is still dormant in February, a few camillas still are holding onto their wintertime blooms, and there is evidence that at any moment the banksia roses and the summer snowdrops will be joining the party.    Hydrangeas, mostly sticks are showing little pricks of green.

Can you imagine what this place looks like at dusk?


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