Friday, February 18, 2011

The "Money Pit" Gets Another Job

Posted by MAKMU ta On Friday, February 18, 2011 No comments

The "Money Pit" landed another gig.  This time it was a one day photo shoot for a print ad for a diabetic product.  Fortunately it wasn't a complete house takeover and it only lasted from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.  All I had to do was have the house semi-clean and stay out of the way. 

Here's a picture of the the make-up artist and his set up. 
This is picture of one of the actual scenes.  I walked in, snapped a picture and honestly thought they were taking a break and having lunch.  Turns out I walked right into the middle of their shot.  Oops!

Here is one of the scenes from the living room.  

They set up in the living room and kitchen for this shoot.  It was really fun to watch the whole thing take place and I met some extremely talented people during the process.  I have proclaimed myself to be the "Money Pit's" official manager, which means I take a huge cut of it's earnings.  We did get the house a little gift for it's hard work.  

Here it is.

That's my four year old hiding from the camera.  I need to extend my gallery wall a bit and add some cool pillows.  Of course, everyone in the family fights for the chaise.  It's my new favorite spot in the house.  We moved the couch that was in here into the office/den.  It makes a great place for my husband to sneak off to and watch sports to hideaway and relax. What's your favorite spot in your house?   


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