Thursday, February 17, 2011

Posted by MAKMU ta On Thursday, February 17, 2011 No comments

Proudly presenting...

Dear blog readers,
Can I share something with you?
Something which I am so proud of and which seems to have put
 a permanent smile on my otherwise still winter-gloomy face?

Those of you who are familiar with the gorgeous Norwegian magazine Vakre Hjem, will most certainly also know Franciska Munck Johansen, a wonderfully talented interior journalist, stylist and photographer. She writes for other magazines too, and is now publishing a book with inspiring summer images and ideas. It is called Sanselig Sommer ( Summer For All the Senses) and packed with her own stunning material as well as photos and ideas from a number of selected bloggers.

I was incredibly flattered when Franciska contacted me to ask me if I would like to be part of this book and can now proudly announce that some of my summer-scented images will appear in Sanselig Sommer! The book will be published in April and you can find out where it will be sold here .

Those of you who are readers of Vakre Hjem might also recognize some of my photos in the next issue of the magazine, in a feature about the book.

I know it is very un-Swedish of me to blow my own trumpet like this, but please allow me a small tooot - tooot to celebrate my joy and delight over this, at the same time as toooting to thank you for making blogging so enjoyable and contributing to my wanting to explore new creative paths and ideas. Let the trumpet tooot-tooot also represent the amazing opportunities that are out there for all of us, if we just dare to dream and to pursue the passions that fuel us the most.

Thank you all and thank you, Franciska!


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