Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dear Diary,

Posted by MAKMU ta On Thursday, April 28, 2011 No comments

I'm sitting here trying to think of a tagline for my business.  That is my goal, you know, to start a business.  It's fun to think into the future because it confirms what I'm doing in the present.
Sometimes I feel ten thousand miles from home and want to give up. But not today. Today I resolve to not let anything stand between me and my dream.  I am no longer letting it bother me when people think interior design is an easy major for girls who want to be stay at home moms.  Of course, I'd love to be a mom one day and being a designer would provide a flexible schedule to do so, but it is by no means easy. 
 I work hard, study for hours, sketch until I'm proud of what I see, and most importantly, I dream.  Sometimes I catch myself daydreaming five or ten years down the road.  I'm sitting in my office, which is a light shade of gray and has a feature wall of a purple graphic wallpaper, and I'm smiling.  No matter the book keeping to done, orders to be placed, bills to be paid, or dinners to be made, I'm smiling. 

I smile because I love people.  Because waking up in the morning and knowing I'm going to be helping someone fall in love with their home fills my heart with joy.  There's a smile on my face because I see myself being an influential figure in my field.  I smile because I know this is what the Lord wants me to be doing with the rest of my life.   And if I ever doubt my purpose, I remember He has me here in Seattle, Washington for a reason.  That reason is not only to become an interior designer, but also to meet people along the way who share this passion of mine. 
 It breaks my heart when I hear parents telling their children to choose a career that will bring comfort to the check book or when I hear others telling me they wish they did what they loved.  I want to inspire others to pursue something that they are passionate about.  I want to encourage young girls {and boys} all over the world to find that one thing that makes you you, that makes your heart sing, and do it. Run after it full force.
Chase it with all that you have, because if you do what you love with the talents given from the One who loves you, then you will show love better to others.
Today I am thankful to my parents for the opportunity to be here learning, growing, and designing.  When my head is spinning, it's pouring rain, my manicure is chipped and I do not know where to begin with the pile of homework sprawled over my desk, I will reread this entry and again, it will be confirmed:

I am here for a reason.  I am destined to do this.  Serving others is my calling.  My joy is interior design.

I can't wait to do what I love for the rest of my life.

That is my prayer for everyone; doing what they love, too.  I want to see more passion in people's eyes.  More satisfaction, not because of the money they make, but because they are genuinely and undeniably excited about their work and their purpose.
This is me putting it in writing for the world wide web to see.  I want to always feel this way about design and people.

Love and Dreaming,


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