Thursday, December 29, 2011

Storm Damaged Old Tree

Posted by MAKMU ta On Thursday, December 29, 2011 No comments

This grand old tree came down a few days ago for no apparent reason. There was no snow or wind...just some hard rain in the night. I was so sad when I drove around the corner on my way to the post office and saw the whole upper half of this beauty on the ground. It took a smaller evergreen down with it. I guess it was damaged when we had that freak snow while all the leaves were still on the trees in the fall. This area is still recovering from that storm and the tree people aren't able to keep up with all the work it created for them. The local Shade Tree Advisory Committee is starting to rethink their stringent rules for homeowners after so many were without power for over a week in October. I took this iPhone photo yesterday when the sun was going down late in the afternoon. (click photo to enlarge)


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