Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cottage Time

Posted by MAKMU ta On Sunday, January 01, 2012 No comments

For The Birds

Hurt no living thing, Ladybird nor butterfly, 
Nor moth with dusty wing, 
Nor cricket chirping cheerfully…’ 
Christina Rosetti

First thing in the Winter mornings, I can hear the chatter of the birds as they forage for their breakfast. 

Several varieties visit my garden through the winter - Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Chickadee, Mourning Dove, Cardinal, Blue Jay, House Finch, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Downy Woodpecker and Dark-eyed Junco. 

The birds have spent the night expending their energy to keep warm through the cold nights and they need a little extra help finding food in the winters.

This is why I let a lot of my plants go to seed; I allow the berry bushes to retain their berries and I let the crabapple tree keep its apples. They seem to be a favorite of the Blue Jays and the Cardinals.

Along with the birdseed, I like the kind that are primarily the black sunflower seed and dried fruits, that I add to the garden’s offerings, I like to make homemade suet feeders. 

I also like to place around my garden sliced oranges or apples coated with seed. These give the birds extra energy.

Clean water and keeping the bird feeder area cleaned and swept is good for the birds and also for my garden.

I count it a privilege to share my garden with God’s precious creatures. God has so graciously provided us with beauty and wonderful music through these birds, I feel it is an honor to work along side to care for them.

I hope you also enjoy the birds as much as I as well as give them aid during these cold winter months.
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Wishing you a very Delightsome week,

images taken from Pinterest


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