Sunday, January 1, 2012

A sparkling new year!

Posted by MAKMU ta On Sunday, January 01, 2012 No comments

Boxwood Cottage's new years tree by Boxwoodcottage

Looks like Blogger wont let me upload anymore pictures dear blogging friends and readers, I tried the whole day but nothing. I had prepared lot's of sparkling pictures for a very sparkling new years post but just can't seem to upload them, So I searched for another way to upload my pictures but for now the only thing I can come up with is uploading single pictures from my flickr account like the one above, which I just uploaded over there. Not a very satisfying solution though. I never had a problem like this with blogger and I'm in my 7th year of blogging, oh well, so much for a great start into the new year grrrrrrrrr. Is that the famous 7th year itch, or what? I'd be really thankful if someone out there would have a helpful tip for me!
Happy new year 2012 my dear readers!
xoxo~ Carola


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