Friday, February 17, 2012


Posted by MAKMU ta On Friday, February 17, 2012 No comments

A little twist on today's Friday Finds.  The lovely Kelly from Eclectically Vintage will be sharing her Favorite Find(s) and I will be over at Kelly's blog sharing a few of my favorite finds with her readers.

I discovered Kelly's blog a few weeks ago and I have quickly become a big fan.  
Here is the image that originally caught my attention.

I am such a sucker for a well designed mudroom and Kelly has just that.  
Don't you just love the painted cabinetry, trim and door.

I was blown away by the pictures she posted this week of her beautiful kitchen

Be sure to stop over and pay her a visit.  You will love what you see!
Take it away Kelly.....

Hi, I’m Kelly and I have a blog called Eclectically Vintage where I share my love of all things vintage, cool collections, decorating, mixing old and new, flea markets, estate sales, junk, unique art, bad jokes ... the list goes on and on.
Today, I’m sharing a curbside find and an estate sale gem that I repurposed (twice!). 
Can you spot my first find?  Yes, it’s that rusty old green crib spring on my Christmas mantel!

At an estate sale a few months ago, I spotted an old crib in the dark recesses of the attic 
(picture me doing the happy dance)!  
I politely declined the possibly bedbug ridden mattress though – getting itchy just thinking about it.  
I took the spring home and quickly hid it in the garage before the hubs noticed 
(mental note – wear all black next time and sneak stuff into the garage at night)!
Christmas came and went and the crib spring came down (much to the hubs delight)!  
But alas, he didn’t have time to rejoice for long because before he knew what hit him, 
he was hanging that spring on the kitchen wall where it’s our new memo board.

The blue metal table under the spring is a curbside castoff I rescued from the side of the road.  
I still laugh out loud when I think of getting caught in the act by the hubs.  
Can you believe that at the same moment I was wrestling the table into my car 
(far from my house, I might add), he drove by shouting, “Just Leave It There!”  
He scared the bejeebers out of me but it didn’t deter me from my mission.

The table (did I mention it was FREE!) was topless (how embarrassing!)
 so I had grand plans of getting a piece of marble cut for the top.  
Months went by and she still had no top – until fate intervened.  
While cleaning out my basement (which resembled a scene from Hoarders), 
I spotted some leftover tile used in our house reno. 
Three marble tiles fit perfectly!  Entire table = FREE!

Keep your eyes peeled at yard sales and thrift shops (and by the side of the road) for hidden gems.  Hold your head high while you’re diving into that dumpster and you’ll probably find 
some pretty cool things too!
And don’t be afraid to shout it from the rooftops – I found it in the trash! 
I’m so glad to have been able to share my fun finds with you.  Hope you’ll come over to visit me at Eclectically Vintage where I’ll be sharing more of my decorating, thrifting, and dumpster diving adventures (another mental note, get a tetanus shot)!


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