Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Letters to Lainey

Posted by MAKMU ta On Wednesday, February 15, 2012 No comments

Brace yourselves because I am going to talk about Pinterest again!  In addition to all of the wonderful things I talked about yesterday, there are also a lot of wonderful links to articles you can find on there.  One that seems to have captured the attention of friends I am following is this wonderful article titled The Truth About Santa.  I have to say that when this situation comes up at our home, I hope that I can handle it as wonderfully as this mother did.  However, that is not what I necessarily took from this article.  What I loved about this article is that the author frequently exchanged letters with her daughter.  It made me think about when I was growing up and how much easier it was to express my feeling and emotions if I wrote them down.  This got me thinking about our oldest daughter, Lainey, and how even though she is still young she may run into situations in the future that she my have trouble talking about or finding the appropriate way to express her feelings.

So, I decided to write her a letter.  In addition to writing her a letter I decided to go out and get her her very own stationery set (gotta love the $1 bins at Michael's).

We have since exchanged a couple of notes that have been filled with light hearted 1st Grade topics and a few drawings.  I plan to hold onto these notes forever and I hope that we continue to exchange letters - maybe not every day and maybe not every week but I would like to keep the tradition alive just in case there is ever anything Lainey needs to express to me but just can't seem to find a way to express herself by talking, she always knows she can write it to me in a note.

What kind of special things do you do with your children? 


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