Monday, April 2, 2012

Luxury Modern White Interior Design Kitchen

Posted by MAKMU ta On Monday, April 02, 2012

Luxury Modern White Interior Design KitchenLuxury Modern White Interior Design Kitchen

The white cabinet is equipped with many standard in the kitchen. You may not want to redraw you want to get a feel for another. If you know what you are doing, this is a very persistent style. In addition, it is recommended that you paint your old wooden cabinets bright white appearance of modern or contemporary. There are a few tips and ideas for decorating a kitchen cabinet of white here.

Bring the color. Just because your white cabinet that has been very boring, there might be a tendency to go in a very dramatic colors. As long as this is done correctly, is optional. This style should be decorated in modern and contemporary rooms. You can mix things up by painting the walls of your bold black so that it appears you also actually white. Then, you are using a modern take in the kitchen of a very traditional black and white.

Another option for these color schemes, you just go in a neutral color palette. In your white cabinet is actually blended in with the rest of the gray and taupes as beautiful as this. Or, if you draw a color from the stone, you do not have it in my room you can add a stone. Please try to install it just beautiful ceramic backsplash marble and then tumble. White cabinet so you stand out anymore, this can really give the unity of your room.

Add something special to the door. In most instances, I think that the door edges very simple. If you have a small kitchen, this is really true. However, the door of the white is neutral so that it can handle more sculpture and molding them. You can also make a statement using your hardware. I find the knob is a modern stainless steel while maintaining simple lines of this style in it, and then run the entire length of the door in order to give a lot of really shine is very modern.

Bring the shine. This is a really important thing in the kitchen of the white. To maintain it from the plane and you also undervalued. You will want to return with the high-end items. A simple way to do this is to invest in stainless steel appliances. In addition, you can adjust the white cabinet shell chandeliers and beautiful appearance of the beach. More traditional atmosphere of the results in the crystal light pendant gorgeous. What you put in the kitchen of the white, even if the crystal, are trying to pop up by itself really. This gives you an opportunity to explore the different colors of accent while working within the constraints of your budget and space yet.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Old Apartment in Paris with Modern Flair

Posted by MAKMU ta On Sunday, April 01, 2012

Paris apartment



Posted by MAKMU ta On Sunday, April 01, 2012

Is this real life? APRIL, already? Time is flying.
The last few weeks have been crazy, exciting, tiring and oh-so-joyful. Here's a glimpse as to what I've been up to according to Instagram :)

1. Hope loves riding in the car.
2. Chocolate Covered Pretzels. My not-so-new obsession.
3. Dresser arrangement- little jars and perfumes galore.
4. My all-time favorite breakfast. 
1. Outfit of the day {I'll be posting my outfit each day on Instagram starting this next week! @michaelanoelle} Black Anthro dress & leopard flats.
2. Blogging, hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll = perfect morning.
3. Bridesmaid dresses for my best friend's wedding last week!
4. Living in an Artful Way: quote on Anthropologie's floor that I adore.
1. Hope's taking her Saturday morning nap, half on and half off her bed.  Awesome.
2. Hope in the saying on my quote frame for April.
3. Baking sugar cookies.

Hope you're having a lovely Sunday. I'm excited about a few fun things coming to the blog this week, including a sentimental little DIY project :)

What are you up to on this fine first day of April?

New in Canada - Neu in Kanada - Tropical plant Medinilla Magnifica.

Posted by MAKMU ta On Sunday, April 01, 2012


 Medinilla magnifica is the newest exclusive plant in North America. 
It is proving to be the best new upcoming plant with its amazing exotic flowers blooming several times and easy care requirements.
Rob Herwig the recognized plant book writer called the Medinilla magnifica, "the Rolls Royce of the houseplants". Just recently in January 2012, the Medinilla won “Favorite New Flowering Plant” and “Cool Products of TPIE” at The Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) Show.
Medinilla magnifica ist eine tropische Pflanze aus der Gattung der Medinillen in der Familie der Schwarzmundgewächse (Melastomataceae). Sie zählt zu den schönsten der bisher entdeckten 521 Medinilla-Arten und lässt sich als eine der wenigen Arten als Zimmerpflanze kultivieren. Sie wurde nach dem Spanier Josè de Medinilla y Pineda benannt, der im 19. Jahrhundert Gouverneur auf der pazifischen Inselgruppe der Marianen war. „Magnifica“ heißt lateinisch „prächtig“.

Pictures by guild-rez 2012
Plant information

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Posted by MAKMU ta On Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ca fait déjà plus d'un mois que je n'ai rien publier sur mon blog de menuiserie et rénovation. C'est le manque de temps et la fatigue qui  m'empêchaient de partager les images de mes projets, mais je me reprend avec probablement un des plus long articles que j'ai publier jusqu'à maintenant. L'étape de la démolition s'est transformé en restructuration des lieux. Voici grosso modo l'évolution de mon projet de réno jusqu'à aujourd'hui...

Ce qui reste de la cuisine et de la salle de bain une fois les vieux plancher arrachés.
Le mur de brique est l'une des plus belles surprises que nous avons eu jusqu'à maintenant. Le crépit ou ciment qui enveloppe le mur se détache relativement bien avec un marteau et un une barre.

Jour numéro 1 de nivellement de plancher. Cette pièce était celle avec la plus grosse pente dans le plancher. Jusqu'à 3 pouces de différence. Mes lignes sont tiré... c'est partit. 

Ecchan munie de son maillet qui "décrotte" le mur de brique. 

Mauvais état et mauvaise surprise. Voici dans quelle état était le plancher de l'ancienne salle de bain.  On a du lui donner un peu d'amour...

Encore le plancher de salle de bain... Observé le vieux drain d'égout en fonte dans le coins, car il est sur le bord de disparaître.

Niveau de 6 pied et laser pour remettre le vieux plancher de bois droit. 

Presque terminé...

Nous avons finalement ouvert le plancher de la salle de bain sur toute la longueur de la pièce car il était dans un trop mauvais état. Ce n'aurait pas été saint de reconstruire directement par dessus. On travail pas comme des cochons ...

Les plombiers sont là... au menu changer la vieille sortie d'égoût en fonte pour du ABS et linker de vieux tuyaux de cuivre en pex. 

Voilà! Les vieux tuyaux pesant et rouillé sont disparu. Une belle job clean réalisé par Doum et ses bodys de plomberie Dominic Vachon.

Solive solidifié et "shim" de plancher au nivaux. Ca commence à prendre forme... 

Cette fin de semaine là, mes parents sont descendu nous aider. Nous avons décider de mettre à nu les deux murs non mitoyen de la bâtisse pour s'assurer d'avoir une bonne isolation. Une bonne chance car, c'est cette journée là que nous avons eu la plus grosse surprise. 

Mon père en train de défaire le mur.

Le mur avant.

Isolation et "patchage". 

Stirofoam 1 pouces sur la briques et le plancher qui avance à grand pas. 

Encore quelques vis pour terminer ce coté. 

Voici les étape de démolition du mur de l'ancien salon qui deviendra la chambre à coucher. Il ne restera plus qu'à enlever une fois de plus l'espèce de crépit qui a été mis par dessus la brique. 

Entre temps, je me suis gâter un peu...
Ma conjointe qui tient mon nouveau marteau stiletto t-bone 15 oz.

Le plancher achève... j'avais acheter deux paquets de bardeau de cèdre pour remettre mes plancher droit. Après avoir "shimer" les 750 pieds carré de l'appartement, il ne restait qu'une dizaine de petits morceaux.

Mur du devant de la bâtisse avec le stirofoam et une division en 2x3 dans lequel nous mettrons de la laine minéral pour aller chercher la meilleur isolation possible. Les vieux bâtiments coûtes très cher en énergie car ils sont mal ou souvent pas du tout isolé. Avec le foam, la laine etc, nous seront prêt de l'idéal. 

Vieille boîte électrique.

La future cuisine. 

La suite: polythène, latte gypse...

Ecchan et ma maman qui se tappent les dernier pieds carrés sur le mur de brique qui sera dans la chambre. Rénover un vieux mur de brique c'est beaucoup de temps et surtout beaucoup de poussière, mais ça vaux la peine!

Ecchan qui fait des plans de nègres!

Le plafond de gypse de la nouvelle cuisine était comme le plancher de l'ancienne alle de bain. J'ai dû arracher un peu plus. Mais avouez que tout cela a de la gueule une fois nettoyé?

Veneer 3/8 dans la pièce qui deviendra la salle de bain et de lavage. Vissé-collé.

Mon frère qui joue "din" wire. 

Division en 2x3.

La cuisine avec ses nouveaux murs.

Ecchan est un machine... encore quelques feuilles et le plancher de la salle de bain sera prêt à recevoir la céramique.

Une fois bien brossé, le mur devrait ressemblé aux briques du centre... 

Quelques demandes spéciales pour le salon. Une boîte pour mettre des encastré derrière l'écran de télévision.
C'est ce qui termine cette publication sur mon projet de triplex . Je tâcherai de mettre les travaux à jour plus régulièrement dans l'avenir!

5 Different Blogging Voices

Posted by MAKMU ta On Saturday, March 31, 2012

I'm an analyzer by nature - let's just get that one out there - and one of the things I often think about is my writing style, aka blogging voice.  I have often read that you need to find your blogging voice so that you have a unique, authentic, and well-defined style.  Your blogging voice is your online personality that defines how you come across to the reader.  You can read an article about it here (a writer whose blogging voice apparently includes bad words).  

Since I started blogging over two years ago I occasionally often think about what I would like my writing style to be like.  Prior to blogging I had participated in some discussion boards, but I usually found that my contributions were a bit - well - dry and informative, shall we say, rather than chatty and friendly.  So when I started the blog, I really made an effort to try and be more informal, relaxed, and conversational, and dare I say it, even funny.  One of the reasons I wanted to do that was that in real life I feel that I am approachable, chatty, and funny and I didn't think any of those things were coming across in my contributions to the discussion boards.   I worked hard at loosening up my writing style and at the same time I paid attention to how other people were writing on their blogs.  

As I observed different blogs, I started to notice a variety of writing styles and, being who I am, I began to see patterns in the different voices that people used.  Eventually I narrowed down the patterns to five writing styles.  

I thought you might find it interesting to read about the different blogging voices to think about what type of writing style your blog is and what style you admire.   It also seems like a fun way to highlight some of the blogs I read and enjoy (although it is by no means an exhaustive list as I follow over 400 blogs - I know, I know I have a problem!).

It goes without saying that no one writing style is better than another.  They are all just different and even on one blog you may find a variety of writing styles for different types of posts.  By the way, I have linked to a post for each of the blogs listed below that I think is representative of their writing style.  Have fun - I listed lots for your viewing pleasure!

1.  Informative/down-to-earth  - This is the most common writing style.  It gets the job done and lets the audience know the details in a clear and straight-forward manner.   

2. Friendly/chatty - this one is similar to the first, but there is just a little something about it that makes it feel a little more intimate - like you are sitting down for a chat over a cup of coffee.  It's hard to put your finger on the difference, but I think it has to do with being asked questions and involved in some way, being called friend or other terms of endearment, and revealing inside information about the blogger's life.

3.  Humourous - this writing style is one of my personal favourites.  It can range from punny funny to witty funny to sort of verbal slapstick.

4.  Inspirational/story-telling - this writing style is difficult to do and works best for the master writers out there.  While I love reading these type of blogs and find them uplifting and inspiring, it isn't really a style I can do well.

5.  Dreamy/wistful/sentimental - the emotional good and bad of life described in a loving sweet way.  While I admire this style very much it is not something I am capable of writing as it really isn't my personality online or in real life.

Would you add any other writing styles?  Which ones describe your blog?

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