Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beyond the Piggy Bank: Tzedkah Boxes

Posted by MAKMU ta On Saturday, November 20, 2010 No comments

tzedakah box

When I last wrote about piggy banks, I got this comment from fellow organizer Claire Josefine:

Jeri, have I already suggested that you do a related post on Tzedakah boxes, or pushkes? They are boxes - some very ornate - intended for saving for charitable purposes. A nice, slightly different angle on savings. -

Glad to oblige, Claire! And this seems a good time to look at these boxes, as we enter a season of thanksgiving - and of giving to others.

Let's start with one that actually looks like a box - although Yair Emanuel has tzedakah boxes in a number of shapes.

tzedakah box

Here a tzedakah box from Gary Rosenthal, with tzedakah in Hebrew, and these words in English: May we not be judged by how much we acquire but let us be blessed according to how much we give.

tzedakah box

This is one of the many tzedakah boxes from Stained Glass Designs by Susan Fullenbaum.

porcelain tzedakah box

Here's a lovely little porcelain tzedakah box from Spode.

tzedakah box

And here's a hand-painted tzedakah box from Kakadu Designs.

Noah's Ark shaped tzedakah box

Here's a tzedakah box with a Noah's Ark theme, from Seeka - where you can find many other designs, too. These boxes are made from stainless steel.

ironwork tzedakah box

I found this one at Modern Tribe; it's identified as the Real Men Give Tzedakah Box. It's made by Steve Bronstein of Blackthorne Forge. [via Cool Mom Picks]

tzedakah box shaped like a synagogue

Reuven Masel makes some pretty amazing synagogue replica tzedakah boxes.

sterling silver filagree tzedakah box

Finally, let's admire this incredible sterling silver Tzedakah box with its gorgeous filagree work.


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