Sunday, February 12, 2012

Appetizing Color

Posted by MAKMU ta On Sunday, February 12, 2012 No comments

Fearless use of color makes even the most minimal modern-decor kitchen feel lively and inviting. That's because color is an emotionally compelling element in any visual arena.

Bold colors, like this cobalt blue, can make the most modern kitchen warm and inviting.

In each of these kitchens, cobalt blue is used to great effect to bring the room alive.

Bold color can add whimsy to an otherwise stark space.

Choose any bold hue you like. Whether you want a room that's light, airy, and spacious or one that's cozy and intimate, color is a quick and effective way to get the look and feel you want.

Don't shy away from mixing bold colors in your modern kitchen.

European style can contribute to a stunningly sleek and modern kitchen. Find some ideas for a world-class kitchen on the next page.


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