Thursday, February 16, 2012


Posted by MAKMU ta On Thursday, February 16, 2012 No comments


It really is the little things in life that make me smile.  
Like for example, my seven year old getting up early 
on Valentine's Day to make me a bowl of cereal for breakfast.  
Or my five year old belting out the lyrics
"Is there anybody out there that wants to have a cold beer and kick it til the morning light!"
 in the car yesterday.  I know, a tad inappropriate for a five year old, but nonetheless,
it made me smile (and laugh out loud)!  
Or my daughter coming home from church last night with a list of virtues she thinks I possess.  
The list included, caring, loving, creativity and forgiving.  That made me beam from ear to ear. 
Or opening the birthday card from my 90 year old grandmother who 
has never once forgotten my birthday. 

It's also the little things like finding some beautiful remnants on the clearance table at the fabric store that can bring a smile to my face or finding out my latest car repair is only going to cost $200, 
not $800 like I had anticipated.  

Sometimes it seems like life is moving so swiftly, I can't keep up.  
But, at the end of the day, when I feel like I don't have an ounce of energy left,  
reflecting back on the little things that brought me happiness during the day, 
makes me excited for what tomorrow has to offer. 

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions from yesterday's post regarding my plea for help.  
I received some great ideas and I am mulling them all over.  
Hopefully next week I can muster up the energy to make some decisions.


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