Wednesday, February 15, 2012

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Me!

Posted by MAKMU ta On Wednesday, February 15, 2012 No comments

I love having guest bloggers here on Wednesday's to share what they are loving and not loving, but I also love popping in every once and while to share my loves, too!

Here's what has my heart and what is making me look the other way...

She Loves Me:
1. Seafoam.  Just can't get this palette out of my mind. Even more delectable is seafoam paired with a pop of tangerine. Yum.

2. Scarves. It is a rare day to see me without a scarf wrapped around my neck. What can I say? I'm a California girl trying to rough it in Washington (ha!) I need to stay warm!!
3. Springtime Dishes. Anthropologie never fails to leave me swooning. These plates make me want Spring to arrive, like...yesterday.
4. He Is We. One of my favorite bands. Listen right now!

5. That I get to go to West Elm tonight for a preview of all their new Spring line products! So excited to be invited! Maybe I'll pick something up for you :)

6. This little pup. I get to see her again in 35 days! I'm getting reports that she's the star-student in her doggy training class. That's my girl!

7. Lipstick. I'm a big fan. I wear pink almost everyday and red for special occasions :)
photo credit: victoria carlson photography

She Loves Me Not:
1. Courtney from The Bachelor. There really are no words to describe her. All I have to say is if Ben likes her, all the other girls should just go home because they deserve someone way better- someone who will really value a woman! Also...what's up with that lip thing she does?! It's so hard to watch. I'm pretty sure we can all agree she's just in it for the competition. Thoughts?

2. When people ask me how "decorating school" is going {or refer to my degree being in "interior decorating"} Call me snooty, but I'm {paying} to go to school for interior design and will be qualified to move walls, work with architects from the ground-up, and do things that truly involve the design and structure of a home or building. my soap box now :) {This is not to say decorators are incompetent...some of my favorite people in the field are considered decorators. The girls in my major just liked to be referred to as what we really are...hehe}

3. Airfare being so darn expensive! If I had three wishes, one would definitely be for unlimited, free-of-charge air travel. {I also wish I had the ability to look this fab while flying...}
That's all! What are you loving this Wednesday?
QUESTION: If I were to make She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not a link up party once a month, who would join the party?! I tweeted about it the other week and I've already had some interest. Let me know!

Happy Wednesday!


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