Saturday, April 30, 2011

Design Influences..

Posted by MAKMU ta On Saturday, April 30, 2011 No comments

I know I don't do a lot of talking here on the blog but believe me I am a chatter... you might be glad when I go back to short and sweet...

I have been thinking this morning about design and how I am influenced.
There are certain designers that I love- they can almost do no wrong.  But I must say that I am influenced by just about everything.  Everything we see effects us in some way or another.  I can always pick out what I like or don't like in a photo or a room but I don't always realize the more subtle things in everyday life that influence me.  
Like light and nature that is a big one for me... I love the light in the morning as it hits the trees just outside my office window. It is soft and just that perfect color it makes the trees look fantastic..  I don't like those trees that much otherwise.  

Things like that go unrealized for a long time and they effect us in how we live our lives and how we see things.  Little things like that color or that feeling flow into design and help shape design decisions.

I know I am rambling - but it is Saturday and I suppose it won't hurt to say something once in a great while around here.. 

I am so excited for my trip.. I cannot wait to be influenced by all things France.  I think that design and inspiration are growing changing thing that we just have to take a moment to see.  I promise to share share as often as I can.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

image via Under the Spanish Moss



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