Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

Posted by MAKMU ta On Thursday, April 28, 2011 No comments

Back by popular demand, Thrifty Thursday.  Well, not really popular demand.  No one really demanded it and I can't verify that the first Thrifty Thursday was popular, but I thought it was fun, so here goes. 

First, let me preface by letting you know that sick kids prevented me from getting out much this week. However, I was able to sneak out one morning while my sweet husband stayed home with our little patient.  

I found this black beauty for only $10!  Not even on sale, how about that.  Of course, I plan on painting it some fun color.  It works perfectly in our mudroom storing our cell phones, I-pods, library books to return, my camera and sunglasses.  I'm sure plenty of other random things will end up there by the end of the week.  Nonetheless, it's great storage.  

It is taking the place of this table, which happens to belong to my sister-in-law.  She was loaning it to me while they had their house on the market.  It worked great there, but we really needed something with more storage.

I was pretty excited to stumble upon this treasure.

For the past two weeks, my friend and I have worked out with a trainer.  Last week, we worked on legs and I couldn't walk for three days.  This week, we worked on arms and I can't seem to straighten my arms because they hurt so badly.  Once I can, I'll get busy painting this piece. No pain, no gain, right!

I am linking to:
The Shabby Chic Cottage


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