Thursday, May 12, 2011

Curb Appeal

Posted by MAKMU ta On Thursday, May 12, 2011 No comments

Remember this? Well now it looks like this!!!

If you look closely you can see the youngest peeking out of the window upstairs

Okay, so the first thing I need you all to do is imagine that all the brown trim you see is white. There, now doesn't it look even better:) I am so happy with how it has all come together and have learned to be patient about the trim.

The large tree in the front yard has finally filled in with all its leaves and casts a wonderful shade over the whole area. The mornings are my favorite as the sun streams in from the East (left side of your picture). Yesterday I set the youngest one up with some sidewalk chalk just so I could enjoy a cup of coffee lounging in the wicker rocker.

There is still a lot of work to do and it will take a few more years for our landscaping to grow in - but so far so good.

Oh and this morning, when The Oldest was getting on her bus, a woman who had just finished her run was walking by and commented to me how inviting our porch was and how every time she goes by she just wants to walk up and take a seat. Now that could also be because she had just finished a hefty run but I thought that was so nice of her to say. Plus she had the greatest southern accent which fit right in with my dream that my life could someday be a country song:)


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