Saturday, May 14, 2011

Following My Dream

Posted by MAKMU ta On Saturday, May 14, 2011 No comments

I have been doing a lot of thinking about following a dream of mine to own my own little business.

I have been really inspired by a number of bloggers and the great businesses they have created for themselves. Having a creative business of my own is a dream of mine, too. I'm not entirely sure the direction I am going, but as Miss Mustard Seed says in her Workshop Series, sometimes you just have to make a start and try to find your niche.

So, one of my first steps is to attempt to sell a few things through my blog, and continue to sell things locally on Craigslist and kijiji. Funny enough, buying, selling and reselling on kijiji (similar to Craigslist) has been my first success in my venture, just not where I intend to stay. I know my business will change and I hope it evolves. I need to be more creative in what I make and sell to be truly satisfied. I have surprised my family at how successful selling on kijiji has been for me.

I have some ideas for other things, but time will tell how that works. Thankfully my family is very supportive, and although I work away from home close to full time, my kids are now at the age where I have more time available. One thing I am trying is Adsense and I will be open to other forms of advertising as opportunities arise.

I would like to eventually have a professional blog makeover to incorporate my fledgling business a bit better, but for now I created a separate FOR SALE page. I'm open to suggestions and always looking for advice (just don't be too harsh because I'm just trying to get started!)  Do you have a business dream or are you already working on it?


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